Name: Monkey D. Luffy
Title Series:ONE PIECE
Voiced by:

Career ISML Performance

Moe Tournament Résumé
2008: Korean Super Best Moe - Round of 160
2010: Animefans Saigar Tournament - Round of 64
2010: Korean Best Moe - Male Tournament - 2nd Place
2010: Korean Super Best Moe - Round of 16
2011: Animefans Saigar Tournament - Round of 32
2012: Korean Best Moe - Male Tournament - Round of 96
2013: Animefans Saigar Tournament - Round of 72
2013: Korean Best Moe - Male Tournament - Round of 32
2015: Best Guy Contest - Round of 64
2015: Bilibili Moe - Male Tournament - Semifinalist
2016: Best Guy Contest - Round of 128

“I’m going to become King of the Pirates!”

Enter Monkey D. Luffy, the rubber man, the straw hat man, and other various nicknames. He has the heart of a champion and the stomach of a bottomless pit. He loves the thrill of an adventure and would take the most dangerous path whenever possible. He has a strong sense of justice, making sure that his friends are safe from harm and his enemies eat their words. He will travel all over the world with the best crew assembled to reach the greatest treasure of them all.

While others mock him for pursuing his dream, Luffy’s catchphrase is not only a goal, but also a promise. After being saved by his hero, Luffy vowed to be just like him, becoming the best pirate in the world. Not even his foster grandfather from the military can change his mind. Luffy wants to show the world that pirates can be good people, even when most of them are bad. To do so, he must challenge the strongest members of the seas and reach the treasure first to make his promise come true.

It is time to set sail. The adventure awaits him. It is time for Luffy to head out to his next destination.

Past Notable Matches