Featured Matches - ISML 2017 Topaz Period
Topaz 1 — Friday, May 26, 2017

Doma Umaru (Himōto! Umaru-chan) vs. Tedeza Rize (Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka?)
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Hello everyone, and welcome back to the ISML arena. As the new round begins, the tension starts to rise. To the left of the arena, we have Umaru, whose renown in the gaming world makes her an undisputed master of gaming. She is a legend who has conquered every arcade in her town. But she has a second side to her. On the reverse of her personality coin is the image of an adorable girl, the side she shows to her friends. To the right of the arena, we have Rize, a beautiful girl who will melt your heart. She was a sort of loner, but she soon realized how fun it could be to play with friends. Her purple hair tied in twintails turns the eyes of many a customer who visits the cafe in which she works. Along with her organization skills, she is indeed a valuable asset. Her serious and strict personality may make her seem unapproachable, but sometimes this adult side of hers comes in handy when her friends seek advice. Between these two girls, who is your choice? [[ Show/Hide additional languages ]] Halo semua, selamat datang kembali dalam pertandingan ISML. Putaran baru berarti tantangan yang lebih. Di sisi kiri dari arena ada Umaru chan. Master of gaming. Siapa yang tidak tahu kemampuan nya dalam bermain? Tiada yang pernah meragukannya. Ia telah menyelesaikan semua permainan arcade di kotanya dan mampu mendapat julukan sebagai pemain legendaries, tapi itu adalah sisi tertutupnya; bagaikan 2 sisi koin, ia dapat mengubah kepribadiannya menjadi pujaan orang-orang di hadapan temannya. Di sisi lain dari arena, ada rize chan, wanita cantik yang akan melelehkan hati anda. Dia adalah orang yang tertutup sampai ia menyadari betapa menyenangkan bermain bersama teman-temannya. Wanita berambut ungu dan kuncir dua ini bekerja di cafenya Chino. Ia memiliki kepribadian yang ketat, dan terlihat sebagai orang yang serius. Tetapi, terkadang sisi dewasanya dapat menjadi bantuan dalam memberikan nasihat ketemannya. Dia juga membantu untuk menjaga segala sesuatu terorganisir. Jadi dari ke dua wanita ini, manakah pilihan anda? |

Suzukaze Aoba @ NEW GAME! vs. Takimoto Hifumi @ NEW GAME!
Aoba was lucky enough to get her first job in the video games company she loves, and is now working on the sequel to her favorite game. Her lack of skill is obvious, but Aoba is not afraid to learn and is ready to put all her energy into any task. But even though working is important, relationships with your colleagues are essential! This is why Aoba always asks Hifumi to join her for lunch, or any other activity. On the contrary, Hifumi is shy and unvocal. She is a diligent and experienced worker who only lets you hear her soft voice if she has a message to convey. As she can't find the courage to talk to Aoba and her other colleagues by herself, she is always secretly happy when someone asks her a question. However, she prefers to talk via the company's internal texting service! Between these two video game creators, will you favor the new and energetic one or the more experienced and shy one? |
Topaz 6 — Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Miyauchi Renge (Non Non Biyori) vs.
Katō Megumi (Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata)
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When will it be their time to shine? Miyauchi Renge has been curious about many things and is the type of girl who would come up with her own explanations to explain a phenomenon. With the majority of her life limited to the mountains surrounding her, Renge wonders whether or not she is ready to leave her home and take flight towards the city life. Katō Megumi has never been interested in the spotlight, preferring to work behind the scenes whilst everyone else is focused on his or her goals. While she does not believe she matches the main character archetype, it is the little things, such as learning everyone else�s duties and providing moral and emotional support, that allow people to notice her more. When the center stage lays bare, who will be first to jump at that chance? |

Otosaka Yū (Charlotte) vs. Iskandar (Fate Series)
What does it mean to be a leader? Otosaka Yū wanted to live his desired life, not be dragged and transferred to another school against his will. Yet, after seeing the route that he could have gone through other people�s eyes, Yū is thankful he got to meet these eccentric people. Now, it was his turn to be the helping hand and guide those like him towards the right path. For Iskandar, a king is not simply a ruler, but someone who is worthy to be ruled by its people. Iskander knows how strong the power of communication and bonds can be and relies on its power to break through any and all obstacles. With this philosophy in hand, he is more than ready to challenge those who stand in his way towards the coveted prize. Who will be able to stand tall after all is said and done? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's matches
Topaz 7 — Friday, June 9, 2017

C.C. (Code Geass) vs. Kinomoto Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura)
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Age should not be a factor when determining one’s hidden potential. Imprisoned to do the bidding of others for as long as she remembers, C.C. had always wanted to know what it meant to be free to make her own decisions. While working alongside other people is step above her usual position, C.C. still craves for absolute freedom. Still, she is willing to stall for time in the events in front of her appear to be amusing to participate in. When the fate of the city is suddenly dumped on her shoulders, Kinomoto Sakura was quickly overwhelmed by the amount of work required to perform her supernatural duties. There are many moments when Sakura doubts she has what it takes to collect all the cards scattered all over the city. When her friends are in danger because of those cards, Sakura takes up her wand and prepares herself for the upcoming challenge. Which of these two girls still have it in her to continue to fight until the end? |

Nakano Azusa (K-ON!) vs. Aoyama Nanami (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo)
Devotion is a prerequisite to success; nevertheless, devotion is, in itself, a tall order. Nakano Azusa, once repressive to the lazy atmosphere created by her seniors, has succumbed to spoiling herself with the fragrant smell of hot tea and taste of petite cakes, sometimes forgetting what her club should be doing. Aoyama Nanami finds it impossible to fully utilize her free time for voice acting training. She is either working part-time to make ends meet or dealing with the daily chaotic drama at her dorm. It is not like they do not enjoy those "sidetracks." Azusa feels relaxed when she can chat joyfully with her friends while enjoying afternoon tea. Nanami knows those times with her dorm members are when she can be free from thinking about her struggles fulfilling her dreams. It is those moments that make them happy. It is those moments that fuel them to work harder towards their goals. More importantly, it is those moments that they can assure themselves that there will be people supporting them when troubles arrive. The energetic music vs. the enchanting voice, presented by two girls who aspire to fly high. Which will win over your ears and your heart? |

Kirigiri Kyōko (Danganronpa) vs.
Emilia (Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu)
They were treated as outcasts by those around them, but they do not mind. Kirigiri Kyōko cares only about survival and leaving the prison-like academy in one piece. Although murder is one way of escaping the school, Kyōko prefers to look outside the box and exploit any loopholes as much as possible. Her acquaintances may be wary of her due to her extensive knowledge, but if they put in the time and effort that she did, they would have learned and noticed the exact same thing. Emilia may be kind and considerate, but her appearance alone is enough to make people feel uncomfortable around her. A near-splitting image of the dangerous phantasmal figure, Emilia wishes to prove to the people that she is not the person people perceive her to be. If words are not enough to convince them or change their hearts, she may have no choice but to run for the empty seat for the head of the kingdom. Who will be able to pursue her goals even when backed in a corner? |
Thanks to smartboyhw and Momento10 for contributing today's matches.
Topaz 8 — Monday, June 12, 2017

Tedeza Rize (Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka?) vs.
Kanzaki H. Aria (Hidan no Aria)
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These two twin-tailed, pistol-wielding maidens are ready to shoot their charms through the voter’s hearts. Tedeza Rize was fascinated by the way the modern girl acts and works, so she tries to emulate that style to the best of her abilities. When her friends are more than happy to accept her for who she is rather than what she is trying to become, Rize embraces her not-so-feminine traits, but still keeps her inner secrets hidden from time to time. Kanzaki H. Aria believes that she is able to do everything on her own, regardless of any history or prophecy her family name burdens her with. When trapped in a corner, Aria will still fight on for her beliefs and goals, but would appreciate the extra hand should it arrive to help her. Which of these two girls will be able to find the perfect shot to take her adversary down? |

Eucliwood Hellscythe (Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?) vs.
Tomori Nao (Charlotte)
To remain in the shadows and watch everything unfold or to intervene and risk revealing who one truly is – such is the dilemma Eucliwood Hellscythe and Tomori Nao struggle with on a near-daily basis. Eucliwood enjoys sitting in a hospitable room and drinking tea over preparing herself for battle. Only when the situation becomes dire does Eucliwood take a stand on the front lines, but the use of her powers there would only harm her more so than it would do anyone any good. Having seen the dark side of human emotion and psyche, Tomori Nao decides to assist her academy to bring people like her to the school grounds. Instead of an aggressive revelation of the consequences of their actions, Nao takes a passive approach, allowing others to see for themselves what awaits them should they continue to use their powers. When the time is right, who will be able to stand up and fight? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's matches.
Topaz 9 — Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Victorique de Blois (GOSICK) vs. Nakiri Erina (Shokugeki no Sōma)
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Locked in a gilded cage, both Victorique de Blois and Nakiri Erina know what it is like to the view from above, yet feel restricted to doing what it is that she wants. Victorique prefers an air of solitude so she can continue to read all the books in the library in peace. Yet, she has not read a book on how to properly interact with strangers. When one person tries to intertwine one�s life with hers, Victorique simply runs away from the situation, as she does not know how to best respond. Erina was destined for greatness, having a grandfather who runs a prestigious culinary school and a talent considered nearly god-like. Yet, the teachings of her household made her only see dishes in black and white, accepting nothing but perfection. When Erina encounters dishes that go beyond her comprehension, yet still satisfy her taste buds, Erina does not know how to react properly to the chefs who created it. Who will be able to escape her cage to learn more about the world outside of her comfort zone? |

Naegi Makoto (Danganronpa) vs.
Togashi Yūta (Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai!)
When all hope is lost, they are the beacon of light that will guide them to the right direction. With no talent worthy to be mentioned, Naegi Makoto was still able to go to a prestigious school said to nurture the best of the best. When chaos and paranoia override the minds of those who wish to escape this bizarre dilemma, Makoto keeps a clear head, believing nothing can be solved through shaken mindsets. Thus, Makoto slowly guides his classmates to find a way to safely escape the school without repercussion. Togashi Yūta wanted nothing to do with his former life and wished to start brand new in a new environment. Yet, when he encounters a girl who remains stuck in her delusions, he became responsible to make sure that she is kept on check at all times. Yet, as he interacted with her, he realized that it was not about forgetting about his own past, but using it as a stepping stone to understand his past self and grow as the average citizen. Who will be able to shed light unto his beaten path of thorns? |
Topaz 10 — Friday, June 16, 2017

Shiina Mashiro (Sakura-sō no Pet na Kanojo) vs.
Kasumigaoka Utaha (Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata)
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Artists in their own way, Shiina Mashiro and Kasumigaoka Utaha will square off to see who is has the better perfection in her craft. The sudden transition between painter and manga artist may confuse some, but for Mashiro, she is willing to open up and try various styles. With her works garnering great reviews, there does not seem to be anything artistically Mashiro cannot excel at. Yet, the lack of competition coupled with the lack of understanding human emotion makes Mashiro wonder whether or not there is something more fundamental she is missing in her life. A great review causes Utaha’s name to skyrocket in popularity, with each work selling millions of copies daily. No matter how many romantic novels she writes, she cannot seem to get her own relationship with that very reviewer going. She may be a perfectionist and very strict to those around her and herself, but she is still a girl who would like to life an average life and fall in love like everyone else. Can either of these girls find the missing piece in her puzzle by the end of the round? |

Doma Taihei (Himō/to! Umaru-chan) vs. Takasu Ryūji (Toradora!)
It is difficult to find people with a genuinely kind personality much like these two competitors. Doma Taihei spends a majority of his time working at the office to make ends meet and taking care of a sister who has a contrasting personality inside and outside of the house. Although he does not have any hobbies outside of house chores, Taihei is satisfied with what he has at the moment. With good friends at the office and a doting sister, it is hard to complain about everyday life. Takasu Ryūji works like the average model student, cleaning up the classroom before class starts and helping out the teachers with paperwork. If people were not wary of his appearance, he could have been the most liked student in the school. While Ryūji is conscious of his appearance, as long as his effort is recognized by faculty and peers alike, he can look beyond his appearance and accept the day as a good one. Who will be able to end the day on a high note when all is said and done? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's matches
Topaz 11 &madsh; Monday, June 19, 2017

Beatrice (Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu) vs.
Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko (Hentai Ōji to Warawanai Neko.)
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They may rarely show their emotions, but reading between the lines would allow one to see their true feelings. Beatrice mainly spends her time in the library, rarely interacting with the world around. Beatrice rarely interacts with others, not wanting to waste her time chatting aimlessly when she could stay in her library in peace. Yet, Beatrice will sit and listen to the worries and frustrations of to enter her realm and can offer advice if needed. A wish to a cat statue made Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko lose her ability to express her emotions. For her, this was a good thing, as she considers herself easily emotional and sees it as a hindrance to her character. Even so, the intent on her words is enough to tell whether or not Tsukiko is happy or upset about the situation in front of her. Who will be the first one to lose face? |

Hei (DARKER THAN BLACK) vs. Okumura Rin (Ao no Exorcist)
With their sense of duty on their side, Hei and Okumura Rin prepare themselves for the battle up ahead. At first glance, it would be difficult to perceive the humble and compassionate Hei as a cold-blooded killer. The dark assassin has successfully slayed all those that were claimed evil based on the various jobs that he had. Yet, Hei has his own sense of justice and will take down those who are dangerous to leave alive, even if it is not part of his job. Okumura Rin wanted nothing to do with the demon world, wishing to live a life of peace over fighting demons. When the people who rejected him need his powers to defend the city, Rin chose to take a stand and fight not for the people, but for himself. The blue exorcist will cut down those who are taking away the peace he had worked hard to maintain. Can Hei shock his adversary down, or will Rin be able to burn his opponent? |
Thanks to Momento10 for providing today's matches
Topaz 12 — Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Tadokoro Megumi (Shokugeki no Sōma) vs. Isla (Plastic Memories)
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Sometimes, it is the little things that mean the most to us. Tadokoro Megumi was rarely confident in herself with all the jeers from her classmates and the disappointment from her teachers. An encounter with an eccentric character made Megumi believe in her abilities more and granted her the confidence needed to pull through each challenge. Megumi’s determination to better herself as a person and a chef infected those around her as they watched someone who they once believed as irrelevant become something special. Isla had grown used to feeling left out and empty even during her work office. A meeting with her new employee made her try to make some wonderful memories with her peers once again. Even though she knows that operation time was coming to a close, Isla keeps a smile of her face, believing that the best way to leave an impression is to leave one that her friends will never forget. Who will be able to hold fast on her new leaf until the end? |

Monkey D. Luffy (ONE PIECE) vs. Tōyama Kinji (Hidan no Aria)
To see their dreams fulfilled, Monkey D. Luffy and Tōyama Kinji will do everything in their power to have it realized. When his friend and hero saved him from possible death, Luffy vowed to follow his footsteps so he can also set sail for the greatest treasure in assistance. Sometimes, it is hard to take Luffy seriously because of his happy-go-lucky and goofy personality. However, his heart and dreams will not waver, and if anyone tries to get in his way or mock his dreams, they will pay the price. Kinji hopes to create a world where there is no discrimination between humans and children who possess the power to fight against the monsters. Kinji’s just and impartial personality often makes him hot-headed and angry whenever he sees people treat the children as weapons than actual beings. Yet, still pushes on, hoping to change society’s views on them one step at a time. Who will be able to see his struggles rewarded? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's matches.
Topaz 13 — Friday, June 23, 2017

Orihara Izaya (Durarara!!) vs. Kamina (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)
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Whenever these two characters show up, there is always something going on around them. Life as an information broker seems like the perfect occupation for Orihara Izaya. Calculating and manipulative, Izaya has no issues working behind the scenes while throwing a variety of information to everyone. Every now and again, Izaya would leave his comfort zone simply to observe the kind of catastrophe he was able to produce. With an abundant amount of energy and a free spirit, Kanima breaks through from the underground world to the surface area to explore the region around him. Passionate and proud, Kamina would go great lengths to see how high he can go and how far the wind would take him. While Kamina is rarely grounded, he would occasionally meet up with his friends to check on their condition and keep their spirits alive. Can Izaya successfully manipulate his opponent’s mind, or is Kanima’s heart too much for his opponent to handle? |

Felix Argyle (Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu)
vs. Nozaki Umetarō (Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun)
Appearances are known to be deceiving. It is hard to guess Felix Argyle’s gender at first glance due to his fasion sense and mannerisms. However, his style of choice matches his overall personality: cheerful, bubbly, and a little mischievous. When on the line of duty, Felix had no trouble switching to a more stoic persona, as he takes his role in the front lines seriously. Nozaki Umetarō’s size, appearance, and peculiar personality make one question the type of character he is. Those who know him better understand that Umetarō cares deeply about his work and would go to great lengths to make his ideas bear fruit. Umetarō is a gentle giant, observing the world around him and helping others with the right intentions. Who will be able to showcase his true self by the end of the round? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's matches.