Featured Matches - ISML 2017 Aquamarine Period
Aquamarine 1 — Monday, April 3, 2017

Gilgamesh (Fate Series) vs. Iskandar (Fate Series)
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The air was thick with palpable tension. Two stocky figures stood at the ends of the bridge staring one another down. On one side stood a lean blonde man clad in gold armor; on the other, a muscular redhead of gigantic form wearing a red robe. Though the two looked as different as night and day, they had one thing in common: they were both kings. "It's been a while, King of Conquerers. I hope you're not that foolish as to hope for a rematch," the man of gold let out a snarky huff as he folded his arms. "It is not foolish to want another marvelous duel with you, King of Heroes. What say you? Or perhaps you are too scared to face my army once more?" the man clad in red chuckled as his hand rose to scratch his beard. "Hah. What nonsense. However, your recklessness has always been a point of intrigue. I hope this fight shall last longer than the first." "It shall last as long as you are able to survive the swing of my sword!" |

Katsura Hinagiku (Hayate no Gotoku!) vs. Shana (Shakugan no Shana)
2009 was supposed to be Shana’s year. She had won a record of 62 wins in ISML’s regular season, winning the Sapphire Necklace along the way. Meanwhile, Katsura Hinagiku was a mere 11th seed who had to rely on a very late momentum and the Ruby Necklace run in order to just make it to the playoff. Shana should have steamrolled everyone, but Hina fans fought back, blaring the Cruel Angel Thesis and Hina ED songs along the way. Thus, Hina completed one of the most storied Cinderella story ever: becoming the first character with seed lower than 10th to win a Saimoe event. Shana had to wait seven agonizing years and ToC to happen before she can attain the ever-elusive Saimoe event crown. In a way, Hinagiku and Shana are made to be rivals to each other. Hinagiku is a socially capable, friendly, and multi-skilled girl who is a hero that doesn’t show her tears. Shana is a socially awkward, guarded, and naïve girl who is known for her burst of emotions. Their contrasting styles may ever divide the anime fans in their preference. So, who will it be: the pink-haired leader, or the flame-haired fighter? |
Thanks to maglor and Kiwigiwi for contributing today's matches.
Aquamarine 2 — Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Kōsaka Reina (Hibike! Euphonium) vs. Sento Isuzu (Amagi Brilliant Park)
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How far will one go to change in order to have things done one’s way? When her band was unable to make it to the nationals, Kōsaka Reina decided to take matters into her own hands to become the best performer possible. Secluding herself from others, Reina sacrificed common leisure for perfection. If anyone in her new orchestra cannot keep up with her, she knows that it was not her fault for the poor rehearsals. With no one to take full leadership of the amusement park, Sento Isuzu decided to take over the management role. Ruling with an iron fist, Isuzu solves inquires with a musket in hand and a possible solution. Although she knows this type of management can only go so far, Isuzu continues to struggle on her own to try to find the best means to everyone’s end. Which of these two women will be able to find her step in the right direction before performing a feat she cannot take back? |

Tsushima Yoshiko (Love Live! Sunshine!!) vs. Megumin (KonoSuba)
Yohane, the self-proclaimed fallen angel, or Megumin, the explosion aficionado? Yoshiko and Megumin really love feeling as if they are this character they created. However, Yohane is very far from an actual angel. She is simply a high school girl who recently decided to become a school idol because it seemed fun. On the other side, Megumin is a legitimate arch wizard, but her never-ending and always-changing incantations and her obsession with explosion magic, the strongest magic of all, are enough for others to believe that she is always exaggerating. Neither of them is ready to give up the persona she created. So, are you going be Yohane's little demon and follow her in her idol career, or will you help Megumin stand up once she used all of her energy on a single use of explosion magic? |

Kira Yoshikage (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs. Heiwajima Shizuo (Durarara!!)
Two men shall face each other today with their livelihoods at stake. Both of them are extremely powerful fighters who want to lead quiet and peaceful lives. However, their personalities cannot be any more different. On the surface, Kira Yoshikage appears to be an average salary man. He leads a simple life and is satisfied with blending in with society. However, his humble lifestyle is merely a facade to hide his true nature: a cunning, intelligent, but cruel psychopath. Ruthless in his ways, Yoshikage quietly picks off anyone who dares interfere with his peaceful life. While Heiwajima Shizuo may appear to the public as a remorseless monster, he despises his superhuman strength. He is a modest and kind man whose rage has haunted his reputation. Struggling externally with countless foes and internally with his own uncontrollable wrath, quiet is his only sanctuary. Neither man has ever encountered anyone so similar to themselves, yet so inherently different at the same time. The cruel yet restrained against the kind but berserk. For one of these two men, victory shall earn him some peace and quiet. For now. |
Thanks to Kiwigiwi, Toady, and Momento10 for providing today's matches.
Aquamarine 3 — Friday, April 7, 2017

Akemi Homura (Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica) vs.
Hinazuki Kayo (Boku Dake ga Inai Machi)
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Trust – a concept hard to understand, hard to fully accept, hard to embrace. With trust comes the possibility of a shattered bond. Why try to connect when there is a possibility of getting hurt? Akemi Homura had always been a lone wolf, doing things her way with disregard to how people see her actions. To her, to fight these shadowy beings means to survive and protect those she cares about. If no one is going to stand by her side, she will simply acknowledge that fact and move on. No one seems to understand or have gotten close to Hinazuki Kayo. She is always seen walking back to school alone, not partaking in any school activities, not hanging out with friends. Her skin hides scars unfathomable for any parent to consider, but she would rather keep her struggles to herself than to open up to others. For Homura and Kayo, shying away from others make them safe, but there will be moments there they cannot handle the feeling that builds inside. Before either of them burst, who will be able to find it in her to revisit trust once more? |

Holo (Spice and Wolf) vs. Beatrice (Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu)
Promise A declaration or assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen. A vow of Holo, the Wolf Spirit. That she once made a pact with a human she adored, that she would keep safe the great harvest. A belief of Beatrice, keeper of the Great Library. That she would stand guard, that the knowledge may be preserved. Devotion. Love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person or activity. A commitment of Holo, the Harvest Deity. She had blessed the local with prosperity for centuries. A conviction of Beatrice, the Artificial Spirit. She had diligently obeyed her order for 400 years. Solitude. The state or situation of being alone. A past of Holo, the Wise Wolf. She had lived for hundreds of years, on the field of golden wheat, with only the wind and bristling grass. A monotony of Beatrice, the Caretaker. She lives in reclusion, with only the company of her books, No one chooses solitude. One may choose to indulge in their privacy, but no one truly wants solitude. Yet, devotion may consequence one with it. But, it is a cheap price for our two contestants, to keep the promise they had made. |

Dazai Osamu (Bungō Stray Dogs) vs. L Lawliet (Death Note)
First impressions can be deceiving. While you may not believe it at first glance, the man with odd habits that you've just met may be one of the smartest detectives in the world. With a cheeky smile almost permanently plastered on his face, Osamu openly acts childishly and makes a fool of himself. His co-workers often need to keep his eccentric behaviors in check. And if that wasn't bad enough, he is a suicidal maniac who dreams of committing a fabulous double suicide with a beautiful woman. While not exactly the same, L is just as unconventional as Osamu. His pale complexion, messy hair, and wrinkled clothing are a testament to his lack of self-care. He always sits in an odd posture, gobbles down sweets around the clock without end, and holds his cellphones with his thumb and index-finger. Truthfully, Osamu and L don't seem to act like average citizens. However, behind their eccentric nature lies their superior intellect. No mystery is too difficult to solve; no problem is too hard to overcome. Above all else, perhaps their odd behaviors are a facade to hide some of their dark secrets within. |
Thanks to Kiwigiwi, Reverend, and Momento10 for contributing today's matches.
Aquamarine 4 &mdahs; Monday, April 10, 2017

Yuzuriha Inori (Guilty Crown) vs. Nakamura Yuri (Angel Beats!)
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There are many ways to overturn an established order. You can lead your own fight, join one, or be involved without desiring it in the first place. Yurippe’s tragic past gave her enough guts and determination to fight God. As the head of her own rebellion, she uses her charisma and energetic personality to lead her followers through different missions. She shows a lot of respect for the members of her organization, the SSS, but nothing as close as how Inori is devoted to the leader of Funeral Parlor, a resistance organization. Inori is very grateful towards her leader, since he woke her up. She naturally follows his orders and does her best to help the resistance even if she appears quiet and emotionless, a contrast to Yuri’s high energy and spirited feelings. Both wants to protect her close friends and are very strong during fights. Are they strong enough to make their rebellions successful? Maybe. But only one will be strong enough to defeat her opponent of the day! |

Lelouch Lamperouge (Code Geass) vs. Oreki Hōtarō (Hyōka)
The male division wasn't always a part of Regular Season. Up until 2015, the male tournaments were held as a separate exhibition tournament after the crowning of the Heavenly Tiara starting on 2011. ISML saw four new male exhibition winners crowned with the Lapis Scepter before the male division was officially integrated into Regular Season. One might not remember, but those four men have fought each other before. In 2015, the four original scepter winners faced off in the hopes of attaining the diamond crown. Lelouch Lamperouge, the very first male winner of ISML, stood above his foes and won the favor of the crown, leaving his fellow male contenders in the dust. Two years later, one of the original four have returned to challenge Lelouch. Oreki Hōtarō, the winner of the Lapis Scepter in 2013, has decided that it's time to end Lelouch's reign. He defeated fellow exhibition winner Kirigaya Kazuto and is hoping to take down the emperor himself. Will he succeed in proving his worth and defeat Lelouch's long history of victories? Or will the history of 2015's diamond crown battle repeat itself? |
Thanks to Kiwigiwi and Chibasa for contributing today's matches.
Aquamarine 5 — Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Ōmae Kumiko (Hibike! Euphonium) vs. Matō Sakura (Fate Series)
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Strength does not need to be physical; it can be emotional, from within your heart, to never give up on your feelings. Ōmae Kumiko wanted to find a middle ground where she and the people around her can play professionally while enjoying their performance. When the divide between two opinions continues to separate the band, it is up to her to find a way to mediate the situation before it gets worse. Matō Sakura may not understand fully what is going on around her, but if her friends are in trouble, she wants to know that they can always lean on her for support. Sakura is more than happy to lend an ear for those who are lost and smile for those who need rest. Which of these two contestants will be able to continue to support her friends until the end? |

Natsume Kyōsuke (Little Busters!) vs. Emiya Kiritsugu (Fate Series)
"Bond" is a word that is sometimes used nonchalantly, but for Natsume Kyōsuke and Emiya Kiritsugu, it is all they have. Kyōsuke’s eccentric and playful nature is bound to have people curious about whom he is. Behind his gentle eyes lies someone who is willing to expend his own life force if it means saving everyone he loves and cares about. Kiritsugu is not fighting alone. There are others who are willing to work beside him, people who are willing to lend him the tools to win, and someone whom he has to save. With all this in mind, he cannot afford to lose. Who will be able to maintain his bonds after all is said and done? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's matches.
Aquamarine 6 — Friday, April 14, 2017

Watanabe Yō (Love Live! Sunshine!!) vs.
Stella Vermillion (Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry)
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Welcome to ISML 2017 Round 6 - Arena 1. "Yousoro!" With her signature salute pose, Watanabe Yō greets you all. To entertain is the very reason why an idol exists. Yō knows this very well. She has given her best effort to look cute in every nook and cranny, from her hair to her feet, her costume to her accessories. All are in place so that everyone will look at her while she dances and sings. Across the stage, a princess stands. Brave is her pose; majestic, her aura. Stella Vermillion of the Vermillion Empire welcomes you. As a princess, it is her duty to maintain dignity in public. No, it is not as trivial as an idol's life; it is the very existence of the Vermillion Empire that is at stake. In all condition, Stella ensures that her image reflects the pride of her country. At this very moment, she dresses in her official uniform, an outfit she wears to show respect to you all. Our two contestants are ready to shine and to display their grace and conviction to win your attention. Who will you be swayed to vote for? |

Hanekawa Tsubasa (Monogatari Series) vs. Nanami Chiaki (Danganronpa)
Day 6 - The Class of 2017 - The Two Class Reps In a particular class in the school, there is a special exception to the class roles: having two class representatives. There are no vice class reps, just two female candidates whom have equal standings in their roles. They are none other than Hanekawa Tsubasa and Nanami Chiaki. Having observed them, they have their special quirks that differentiate themselves from each other. Tsubasa is very diligent in accomplishing tasks assigned from the teachers and interacts better with her classmates. Chiaki, on the other hand, is much quieter and can be usually seen with a handheld console in hand. But, she's also one that advocates unity amongst her classmates, which she does her best to build in her class. Having observed them, they live rather different lifestyles but still complement each other so well. They share their tasks equally and make up for each other's weaknesses to the point that they become such a dynamic and notable duo in the school. At the end of the day, though, despite the fame they acclaim, they still are friends, walking home hand in hand. |

Fujinuma Satoru (Boku Dake ga Inai Machi) vs.
Yukihira Sōma (Shokugeki no Sōma)
Failure is merely the path towards success. As a struggling manga artist, Fujinuma Satoru has been faced with many difficulties in his life. While in possession of the strange ability to turn back time, his life is turned upside down when he must solve a murder mystery in order to save the life of the people he cares for. Many setbacks hold him back, and the danger of getting himself killed is ever present. But, Satoru will always fight the cruelty of fate and push onward. In the same way, Yukihira Sōma is an extremely talented chef who struggles to gain recognition within society. His identity as a mere diner owner's son causes people to look down upon him, even sabotaging his plans the further up the ladder he climbs. However, with every failure, Sōma bounces back twice as hard and learns from the mistakes of others as well as himself. While Satoru's more reserved personality contrasts with Sōma's outgoing one, they are both commendable for how they persevere even in the most difficult situations, letting nothing get in the way of their goals. |

Misaka Mikoto (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Tachibana Kanade (Angel Beats!)
Meeting their respective greatest rival in the Semi-Finals of the Tournament of Champions is probably the worst outcome for both Misaka Mikoto and Tachibana Kanade. This is a match analogous to the prisoner's dilemma. Mikoto and Kanade can choose to go all out in this match, an option akin to mutually assured destruction. Using their once-a-year rally of support in this match will leave them dry in the upcoming final. Alternatively, they can opt for a relaxed battle, allowing the victor to be in top condition to grab the championship title. Of course, this second option runs into the possibility of betrayal in which one side decides to use more strength than was agreed upon. Which of these cases will come to pass? Encounters between Kanade and Mikoto have always been unpredictable. Will we again have an epic battle to end all battles, or will this be a small, friendly sideshow? |
Thanks to RailWarrior, Kiwigiwi, Reverend, and Fuijiwara for contributing today's matches.
Aquamarine 7 — Monday, April 17, 2017

Beatrice (Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu) vs. Aqua (KonoSuba)
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Two beings of great magical power are set to square off to see who truly holds the title of the greatest mage of her realm. Don’t let Beatrice size fool you; there is a reason why she is the caretaker of her master’s magical library. Beatrice sharp tongue and rational thinking are enough to put anyone down on their knees. Behind the stoic exterior lies a girl loyal to her duties, even protecting a guest she barely met, if she believes the cause is just. Hailing as a goddess, Aqua rarely acts like how one would imagine a goddess to be. Short-tempered and easily emotional, Aqua would rather be lavished with people’s prayers than get her hands soiled on minute quests. Once she sets her mind to her goals, Aqua will stop at nothing to see it completed until the end, putting her body on the line to make sure justice is served. Which of these two girls will be able to retain her magical brilliance until the end of this match? |

Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100) vs. Genos (One Punch Man)
When Arataka and Genos look at each other, they are reminded of someone important in their lives. Arataka is reminded of his disciple; Genos, his master. At first, they could only see the great differences between this stranger and their friend. Arataka notes how Genos is not quite as innocent and meek-looking as his disciple; Genos ponders over how Arataka has zero supernatural capabilities, unlike his extremely powerful master. Internally, both would probably consider this stranger to be inferior to the likes of their own respective disciple and master. But as Arataka is reminded of the lessons he taught his disciple and Genos remembers the advices that his master gave him, a mutual respect for one another would grow. The respect a master has towards his disciple who is bright and always willing to learn; the respect of a disciple towards his master's patience and wisdom. Above all else, a reminder of the close bond between master and disciple. When Arataka and Genos look at each other, they see a friend. |
Thanks to Kiwigiwi and Momento10 for contributing today's matches.
Aquamarine 8 — Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Kanie Seiya (Amagi Brilliant Park) vs. Karasuma Gojō (Girlish Number)
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Fame is indeed a double-edged sword. In times of glory, those under its influence experience the high life, getting recognition from all types of sources. And yet, when it departs from one's life, it leaves behind damage that may last throughout their lives, even affecting how they perceive society. But, what goes down will eventually go up. For Kanie and Gojō, their previous fame has given them, oddly enough, a new lease in their lives. For Kanie, his time as a child actor, while short, gave him an opportunity to meet a special someone that prompted him to change his narcissist lifestyle for the better, eventually using that narcissistic attitude of his to his advantage. Gojō, on the other hand, was given a second chance in the form of a career switch. From a seiyu to a manager, he decided to use his experience and failure to guide others on the right path ahead as best as he can. And so, we've come to see the success stories of two people who bask in fame once more after leaving the limelight once. Whom do you see as the more victorious one? |

Tachibana Taki (Kimi no Na wa) vs. Hinata Hajime (Danganronpa)
What does it mean to make a difference? To both Taki and Hajime, it could potentially mean nothing, as they led their ordinary lives in peace. And yet, by a strange twist of fate, they were pushed right into situations where they had to make choices, choices that would affect not only themselves, but others as well. Somehow, fate had brought them out of their selfish thinking and plopped them right into situations where they had to make a stand for what they truly believed in. For Taki, a simple body-switch was all it took to set him going on an adventure, of which he followed his heart to the location of that 'red ribbon'. Hajime, who thought himself inferior, saw the weakness of those whom he saw superior and became the guiding light to his peers when no one else could, changing his life for the better as he got to know friends who appreciate him for who he is. Through our lives, there were choices we could have made that would have changed something for the better or for the worse. Who knows? Fate is a strange thing after all... |
Thanks to Fuijiwara for contributing today's matches.
Aquamarine 9 — Friday, April 21, 2017

Sanzen'in Nagi (Hayate no Gotoku!) vs. Hiiragi Kagami (Lucky ☆ Star)
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Not everything goes according to plan, and Sanzen'in Nagi and Hiiragi Kagami understand that statement the most. All Nagi wants is to relax at her home and catch up on the latest animated media available. With academics and kidnappers preventing her from doing the things she wants, it’s hard for Nagi to garner any peace at all. However, would go great lengths to do a good deed for her friends while no one is watching. Surrounded by eccentric and disheveled friends, Kagami had no choice but to be the straight woman of the group and bring her friends back to reality. The wild and odd discussions and adventures wear her down, but Kagami doesn’t appear to be bothered by it. She understands that her friends have a perk that make them unique and accepting those traits is what a true friend should do. Which of these girls will be able to find her road to happiness? |

Kirigiri Kyōko (Danganronpa) vs. Nishikino Maki (Love Live!)
They have always been the lone wolf type. They would rather spend time alone in their own sanctuary than mingle with others who may disrupt their routine. When trapped inside an academy, Kirigiri Kyōko wasted little time doing her own research on trying to escape from the premise. Rarely does she participate in any of the meetings with her supposed allies. Although she does things on her own, many of her actions are for the safety of her comrades in getting out in one piece. Inside a music room, one can hear Nishikino Maki beautifully playing along the keys of the piano. Rarely does anyone come into this room, and a peek through the door will not stop her from playing her piece. Although she appears to be far from one’s reach, she is very approachable and will lend a hand as long as it is within her power. Who will be able to reach out her hand when she is in need of assistance? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's matches
Aquamarine 10 — Monday, April 24, 2017

Watanabe Yō (Love Live! Sunshine!!) vs. Isla (Plastic Memories)
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Loneliness is not always apparent. It starts off as a melancholic sigh, a feeling that something is missing, before the emptiness finally sinks in. Sadness builds up over time, and before long, you isolate yourself from the world unknowingly. It's not easy to break Yō's usually bubbly and energetic demeanor. However, as her best childhood friend begins to grow ever more distant after forging a new friendship with another student, her bright smile begins to fade. Torn between her sadness of becoming replaced and her wish to see her best friend happy, Yō can only watch from the sidelines silently. Isla knew that happiness wouldn't last for long. With nothing in the world able to stop time, all good things are bound to come to an end, leaving only sadness in place of the happy memories. She believes that in order to not be hurt by those memories, she has to distance herself from others. If she doesn't feel happy, she won't feel sad. And while she may not admit to it at first, she yearns for the company of a friend once more. One thing is certain for them: solitude is no comfort in the loss of friendship. |

Darkness (KonoSuba) vs. Yatogami Tōka (Date A Live)
This is a clash between two beautiful, brute swordswomen that one does not want to miss. Darkness steps forward with the pride of her beliefs and customs in tow. As a crusader, she stands in the front lines and defends her party with her bulky defense while landing hard blows with her blade. She will make sure that no one will be harmed while she is still standing. Yatogami Tōka readies herself for the next battle in hand. She wants to live her life normally without the fear of others taking away the things she loves. To protect her happiness and the happiness of those who have helped her, she will not hesitate to give the decisive blow when it matters. When their blades clash, which of these two girls will remain standing once the dust settles? |

Doma Umaru (Himōto! Umaru-chan) vs. Megumin (KonoSuba)
Appearances can be deceiving. To many, Doma Umaru is seen as a beautiful, perfect being whose kind gestures and gentle manner make her a model student. Inside the Umaru apartment, she reveals her true nature of a lazy gamer who would rather eat junk food than maintain a well-balanced diet. Having both sides of her personality allows her to interact with an assortment of people whom she may not have met had she stuck to one persona. In the heat of battle, many people see Magumin as a crazy mage whose fascination of explosions causes more harm than good to her party. For those who know her, she is an average girl who wants to fit in with the crowd. While having someone behind her back means she will be able to live another day, Megumin wishes to find people that she can rely on enough to call a friend. Which of these two girls will be able to hold her head high of their dual personality after all is said and done? |
Thanks to Kiwigiwi and Momento10 for contributing today's matches.
Aquamarine 11 — Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Shiodome Miuna (Nagi no Asukara) vs.
Kaname Madoka (Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica)
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"Listen. Do you hear it? It is the sound of the ocean calling for me, but I am too afraid to take a step closer to it. The ocean has brought me joy and regret. It sent me people whom I could call friend and made me jealous about those who live beneath the sea. I wish I could understand them more without having my emotions get the better of me." "I hear are the cries of people who are calling for my help, but what can I do? I’m just a normal girl. I don’t have any special powers or supernatural talents like all of my friends have. Whenever I see them fight, I can only watch from the sidelines, wishing that everyone comes back in one piece. I want to do something. I don't want to simply watch anymore." "I want to take the next step forward. I need to take the next step forward. Can I do it?" |

Kageyama Shigeo (Mob Psycho 100) vs.
Togashi Yūta (Chūnibyō demo Koi ga Shitai!)
Isn't it better to improve yourself than to cling to the status quo? Self-betterment is something both Kageyama Shigeo and Togashi Yūta strive towards. Instead of doing what most would and exploiting his psychic powers to attain popularity, power, or admiration, Shigeo wishes to improve himself in the way normal people would. To this end, he joins the body improvement club. He struggles with his lack of stamina, but never once gives up in his pursuit of self-growth, taking the hard path of work. While Yūta could simply indulge in his own wild fantasies forever, he forces himself to be grounded to reality. He doesn’t simply remain in his falsified persona that granted him such silly joy, but attempts to look forward into the maturity of his future. Though he may become embarrassed thinking back to those years of delusions, he ultimately uses his past as a way to improve himself. Both had the opportunity, by power or delusion, to live in an easy life. However, both took the decision to evolve and become more than they are. Could there be anything more inspirational than those who’d take their future into their own hands? |
Thanks to Kiwigiwi and Momento10 for contributing today's matches.
Aquamarine 12 — Friday, April 28, 2017

Kinomoto Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura) vs. Kōsaka Honoka (Love Live!)
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To believe is to have faith, no matter how dark the situation around them is. When thrust into a world of capturing cards, Kinomoto Sakura is afraid she cannot live up to her guardian’s expectations because she is just a little girl. However, even when things go wrong, Sakura keeps her head held high, believing that if she does not solve this scenario, no one else will. When stories about her school closing down begin to spread, Kōsaka Honoka does everything she can to try and find ways to keep the status of her school alive. When all options seem to be used, Homoka takes the road of starting an idol group in hopes to garner popularity and make the school a viable place for young, aspiring students to go to. Who will continue to believe in herself until the end? |

Ram (Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu) vs. Isshiki Iroha (OreGairu)
It is hard to put your faith in other people when one is unable to trust others in the first place. Ram spends most of her peaceful days working in the mansion under the protection of its head. What makes her job comfortable is the lack of people to converse with, which means she can be in her own world as she pleases. With a history of people caring about her more than her sister, Ram would rather spend time with her sister than anyone else. Isshiki Iroha would rather put on a face that people are more used to than to reveal her true self to others. She fears that she would not get as any friends or be as popular should she strip away the foundation she had tried to build for herself for so long. If people want to play a game of lying and deceit, Iroha will show them that two can play with this game, and she will successfully stand of top of everyone. Can either of these girls be able to find someone they can truly call a friend? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's matches.
Aquamarine 13 — Monday, May 1, 2017

Atsuko Kagari (Little Witch Academia) vs. Yoshino (Date a Live)
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To venture into a new world is a daunting task, especially for the likes of Kagari and Yoshino, who seem to be most out-of-place in the new societies they must integrate into. For Kagari, without any innate magic prowess, she stands at a clear disadvantage to her peers and rivals alike in her new magic academy, whom all have at least some form of magical exposure. Yoshino, on the other hand, is rather shy, and her arrival into a new world without knowing a single soul could mean disastrous results for her. Yet, they seem to be doing fine, actually functioning in their respective worlds. This is due to the fact that Kagari has her aggressive attitude and confidence on her side despite, her inept handling of magic, charging forward in order to reach her goals. Yoshino found her knight in shining armour, who showed her the way of his world and allowed her to slowly, but surely, integrate herself into society, despite her weird circumstances. To explore the unknown is truly something dangerous, but if you find yourself able to relate to one of these two girls, the venture might just be worth it. |

Makise Kurisu (Steins;Gate) vs. Kirigiri Kyōko (Danganronpa)
While many people indulge in fantasy, others like Kurisu and Kyōko are realists who will only believe in things that can be proven with certainty. A natural born genius who works in the field of science, Kurisu has been taught to draw a clear line between fact and fiction. She is skeptical about the possibility of time travel, needing definitive proof before she can be fully convinced of it. Likewise, Kyōko is a highly intelligent detective who investigates crime scenes with ease. To her, a case isn't fully solved until every angle of the mystery has been solved by concrete evidence. Both are calm and mature women who need to see to believe. Perhaps their meeting with a boy opposite of their personalities might loosen them up for once. |
Thanks to Kiwigiwi and Fuijiwara for contributing today's matches.
Aquamarine 14 — Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Saten Ruiko (Toaru Majutsu no Index) vs. Kōsaka Reina (Hibike! Euphonium)
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In order to get things done, perhaps the best way is to get it done oneself. Unlike her gifted friends, Saten Ruiko has yet to tap into her powers. Tricking herself into believing that she would harm her more than it would do her good. Instead, she helps her friends out her own way, something only she can do because she does not have such powers. The inability to make it to the nationals made Kōsaka Reina realize that she is going to have to put more effort into her training should she want to see results again. Therefore, she practices constantly in order to improve her skills to become better than anyone else. By the time she entered her new school, her performance overwhelmed even the seniors in the band. Which of these girls will continue to improve herself until the end? |

Megumin (KonoSuba) vs. Darkness (KonoSuba)
In a classic battle between strength and magic, two good friends will square off to determine who is superior. Shrouded in a dark air of mystery, Megumin takes the grand stage for herself. To her, nothing is more beautiful than seeing the sight of a large explosion appearing in front of her. Because explosion magic is said to be the strongest magic to learn, Megumin wastes little time perfecting it to her pleasure. On the other side, Darkness confidently looms over the distance. She believes that her sword will guide her to victory and her armor will protect her from any incoming attack, no matter the strength of the impact. The stronger and viler the opponent is, the more she hungers for a chance to battle him or her. With everything to gain and nothing to lose, these two friends put their best foot forward to lash out the most powerful arsenal on her sleeve. Who will come out on top? |

Handa Seishū (Barakamon) vs. Midoriya Izuku (Boku no Hero Academia)
Some people believe that talent is something you are born with. Few people in the world are blessed with natural born talents while others aren't as lucky. However, perhaps the best talent one can possess is not something that comes naturally. It is the ability to work hard. Although his calligraphy is described as amazing by many, nobody truly understands the sheer amount of effort Seishū puts into his work. He is sensitive about his work, feeling offended when people criticize them. However, he takes those criticisms to heart and attempts to improve himself, practicing his writing relentlessly for hours, sometimes overworking himself. Izuku had always dreamed of becoming a great hero much like his idol All Might. The only problem is that Izuku does not possess a quirk. Without any special abilities to start him off, his dream of becoming a hero seems to be in shambles. Despite this handicap, Izuku never gives up on his dream and trains himself, hoping it can perhaps make up for his lack of natural born power. Not everyone is born with talent, but anyone can choose to work hard and earn their own talent. |
Thanks to Kiwigiwi and Momento10 for contributing today's matches.
Aquamarine 15 — Friday, May 5, 2017

Louise Vallière (Zero no Tsukaima) vs.
Fate Testarossa (Mahō Shōjo Lyrical Nanoha)
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Probably the greatest magical gift of all is to be given a second chance. For a long time, Louise Vallière was considered a failure. No matter how much she studied or how hard she tried, all of her spells end up blundered or burst. When Louise was able to summon a familiar more different than anyone else, she wonders whether or not there was something special about her after all. Fate had only known how to fight for the person whom she wished would praise her for her actions. When those burdens were lifted from her shoulders, Fate wonders whether or not it was possible to keep living without a solid purpose. When a hand was extended to her, Fate decided to take a chance to step into the new life awaiting for her. Who will make the most of the chances give to her? |

Aqua (KonoSuba) vs. Asada Shino (Sword Art Online)
Good day, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to ISML 2017 Aquamarine Period Round 15! Today (as usual), we have two girls who will fight it out to win the most votes from you! Let's jump straight into it. Our first contestant today is a Water Goddess, a great master of the art of healing and anti-undead spells. Beautiful, cheerful, kind-hearted*, clever*, please welcome the magnificent Aqua-sama! Aqua: "Hello everyone! I'm your beloved Water Goddess, Aqua! I know there's no need for me to ask, since I believe in you all, my faithful followers, to vote for me, but vote for me, will ya!" Our second contestant today has sharp eyes and great looks. She has her issues in real life and might not seem the most sociable, but she actually cares a lot about her friends. Please welcome GGO's greatest sniper Asada "Sinon" Shino! Sinon: "Erm... T-thank you, everyone, for having me. Please give me your utmost support!" A round of applause for both of our contestants, again! Now, let us begin this match: Aqua-sama vs Asada "Sinon" Shino. Start! *: the word is used just for the sake of making sure this preview runs well. |

Konjiki No Yami (To LOVE-Ru) vs. Konno Yūki (Sword Art Online)
"I am but an assassin; I am to do as I have been instructed. The concept of happiness and compassion are all but foreign to me. How can someone like me receive things such as a warm home and welcoming company? I used to yearn for warm hands and hearts, but I do not know whether or not I can return to such a welcoming time again." "For the longest time, I have been fighting for myself, for my friends, and for my life. I have stayed in this world for most of my life, and I may have overstayed my welcome. Seeing my friends smiling and having a good time makes my heart ache. I want to enjoy our precious moments together as much as possible, but with death looming around the corner every so often, how long can I keep my smile?" "We know what it is like to flight like it is our last. Show me how much you have grown and how willing you are to accept change." |
Thanks to Reverend and Momento10 for contributing today's matches.
Aquamarine 16 — Monday, May 8, 2017

Katō Megumi (Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata) vs.
Ram (Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu)
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Perhaps it is those who see from the shadow who are the most perceptive and knowledgeable of the group. Katō Megumi never saw herself as someone who is used to the spotlight. A lot of times, she works behind the scenes to make sure everyone else gets adequate time to express how they are feeling. Because of this, Megumi knows a lot more about her friends than they know about themselves. Ram is usually seen with her sister, making sure that the mansion is clean and functional. Oftentimes, Ram would take a step back to have her sister interact more with other people. Ram wants her sister to feel comfortable around others again, so she needs to make sure her sister does not rely on her too much. When it is their turn to take the spotlight, which of these contestants will be able to shine brightly through it? |

Simon (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann) vs. Okazaki Tomoya (CLANNAD)
To believe is to take the risk of trusting your ideals and goals. Simon has never been the confident type, usually following the flow of his friends or travelling behind his companion’s footsteps. When things go awry, it is up to him to put his best foot forward, take command of the situation, and lead his friends to peace and prosperity. Okazaki Tomoya used to sit back in the sidelines and watch everything unfold, not wanting to stand out too much and wishing to go by his days as peacefully as possible. An encounter with an odd girl made him want to do more to make sure he can be prepared and responsible enough to interact with her more and follow wherever she goes. Which of these combatants will be able to take their goals to the next level after all is said and done? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's matches.
Aquamarine 17 — Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Nakiri Erina (Shokugeki no Sōma) vs. Jibril (No Game No Life)
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In a clash between two combatants who seek knowledge for power, Nakiri Erina and Jibril will square off to find out who is the true dominant figure. Claimed to have an acute tongue, many seek for Erina for her knowledge in the culinary arts. However, just satisfying her taste buds are not enough for her. Erina seeks full knowledge of as many cuisines as possible to judge which dishes are worthy for her table. There must be a legitimate reason for someone to challenge Jibril, or she will not partake in any of their challenges. Jibril aspires to obtain as much information about the world as possible, for she strongly believes that those with the most knowledge can truly call themselves powerful. Only when she sees something worthy of her interest does she consider taking on the challenges presented before her. Who will be able to claim all the glory once the dust settles? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's matches.
Aquamarine 18 — Friday, May 12, 2017

Tomori Nao (Charlotte) vs. Isla (Plastic Memories)
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I wish to create a world where there is no discrimination between our kind and them, that we are as human as they are if given the chance. I want to be seen as someone who wants to give each of them a proper farewell before the pain of separation becomes too great to bear, too grave to fix. Yes, I know how our powers can be used for evil; however, I believe that, if we learn about each other and understand each other more, we can work together to prevent such ill fates from taking a turn for the worse. Many people see us as bad people for taking away the person he or she cares about. They would even run away from us. I want to apologize to them that it had to be done this way, but I want them to realize that we are trying to find ways to make it easier for all of us to bear. And so, it is my quest to follow that star, no matter how hopeless, no matter how far. I will reach that unreachable star. |

Rem (Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu) vs.
Kōsaka Reina (Hibike! Euphonium)
Rem had always wanted to be as useful and reliable as her sister, so she tried to everything that she can to make sure she stands out more. However, in the back of her mind, she knows that she can never amount to her greatness no matter how hard she tried. Still, she keeps on fighting, believing that if she cannot better her sister this way, she will treat it as a sort of punishment. Few are able to get inside the mind of Kōsaka Reina, as she appears distant to all who come close to her. Perhaps it is not because she is unapproachable; rather, she is too far to reach. The talent that Reina possesses is too much for people to accept, but she does not care. If none of them are willing to put the effort in making his or her craft great, that is their problem, not her. Behind their melancholic face lies a smile waiting to blossom. When they make their voice heard, will either Rem or Reina be able to hear an answer back? |

Sakura Kyōko (Puella Magi Madoka ☆ Magica) vs. Darkness (KonoSuba)
It is not the weapon that makes a warrior strong, but the one holding the weapon. Sakura Kyōko prefers keeping the status quo rather than be proactive about change. Only when the situation takes a drastic turn does she step forward to take control of it. If people do not understand what it means to be magical girl, she will put them in their place. As a crusader, it is Darkness's duty to stand in the front lines and be the first line of defense for those who cannot fight. However, even if she did not have that title, she would be more than willing to be the first to fight. Her determination to protect those she cares about it unyielding. Will Kyōko be able to spear her way to victory, or can Darkness slash her adversary away? |

Suzukaze Aoba (NEW GAME) vs. Nakano Azusa (K-ON!)
They may be small, but Suzukaze Aoba and Nakano Azusa's love for their arts is definitely big. As an avid gamer her whole life, Aoba was very excited when she finally got a chance to enter the world of the creators and into the company that made her favorite game series. Inside that world, Aoba would learn what is required to make a game. Her skills, wits, and devotion to the art of making games would be pushed beyond the limit, but Aoba remains passionate and professional, as she strives to perfect her trade. Playing the guitar since 4th grade, music has been Azusa's life. Now, at high school, she wishes to learn about the true meaning of music. What makes music so emotionally enhancing? Something beyond the technicality. Azusa does not understand this, but she remains persistent. On one side, she pushes her bandmates, her seniors from the Light Music club, to improve. On the other side, she continues to observe and interact with them, to find out just what is it that makes their performance so charming. They know it will not be easy, but they will stay true to the arts that they love. |
Thanks to Reverend and Momento10 for contributing today's matches.